


This list of resources for all age groups is just a small sample of the abundance of resources available online. We hope these resources will both affirm and support you if you belong to a group that has been impacted by racism and will serve as a place to deepen your knowledge of the issues, as you take action against racism.

R A C I A L     P R I V I L E G E

What is Systemic Racism?

R E S O U R C E S,     S U P P O R T     &     O R G A N I Z A T I O N S

Canadian Race Relations Foundation

The Canadian Race Relations Foundation is Canada's leading agency dedicated to the elimination of racism and all forms of racial discrimination in Canadian society.

Racial Equity Tools


Racial Equity Tools offers tools, research, tips, curricula, and ideas for people who want to increase their own understanding and to help those working for racial justice at every level – in systems, organizations, communities, and the culture at large.

Anti-Racism Resources, Supports and Organizations

From Emily Carr University, a list of resources and links to help you get involved, support the cause and learn more.

International Citizen Service: Anti-Racism Resources

The Canadian Race Relations Foundation is Canada's leading agency dedicated to the elimination of racism and all forms of racial discrimination in Canadian society.

Good Good Good: Anti-Racism Resources


Acclaimed professor, award-winning author, and director of the Antiracist Research & Policy Center, Dr. Ibram X. Kendi tells us how to combat racism.

“No one becomes “not racist,” despite a tendency by Americans to identify themselves that way.
We can only strive to be “anti-racist” on a daily basis, to continually rededicate ourselves to the lifelong task of overcoming our country’s racist heritage.”


Colour of Poverty, Colour of Change

Colour of Poverty – Colour of Change (COP-COC) is a network across Ontario working together to address and redress the ever more disturbing and growing structural and systemic ethno-racial inequality.

They build concrete strategies, tools, initiatives and community-based capacity through which individuals, groups and organisations can begin to develop coherent shared action plans.

R E S O U R C E S     S P E C I F I C A L L Y     F O R     B I P O C

Vice: Self-Care Tips for Black People Who Are Really Going Through It Right Now

Amid all this suffering, it can be hard to believe Audre Lorde when she said that caring for yourself is a form of self-preservation and, thus, “an act of political warfare.” But it is, and it matters. If you are feeling sad and overwhelmed and angry right now, here are some things you might do to get a tiny bit of relief.

Healing in Colour

 Healing in Colour envisions a world where BIPOC, in all our intersections, have access to therapy that supports our healing and liberation.

(*Black, Indigenous, People of Colour)

This project envisions a world where there are no structural barriers to healing; where BIPOC - in all our intersections - have access to therapy that supports our healing and liberation.

21 Day Racial Equity Indigenous Challenge - Fighting white supremacy since 1492.

Too often the framing of racial justice gets limited to the Black/white experience. We find that by broadening our lens of how white supremacy marginalizes multiple groups, we both deepen our understanding of white supremacist strategy and impacts and learn about particular histories and current issues of historically targeted groups. Indigenous people, the first to feel the wrath of white supremacy on what we now call US soil, sets the stage for the human and environmental destruction that has unfolded since.


Canadian Native Friendship Centre

CNFC was organized to help Indigenous newcomers to the city with referral services and social and recreational programs.

It was, and remains, a gathering place for meetings, social events, and community gatherings.  Today, the Centre continues to provide cultural, recreational and social programming.

We serve approximately 10,000 people annually through various programs, services and functions.

Black Youth Helpline

Anyone can initiate requests for support! Simply contact Black Youth Helpline by phone, email or connect with them through their contact us page.

R A C I S M :     S Y S T E M I C,     A N T I - A S I A N,     &     O T H E R S

Resources for Combating Anti-Asian Racism & Learning About Canadians of Asian Descent

There is a growing body of information on combatting anti-Asian racism and hate and overcoming harmful stereotypes about Asia and people of Asian descent. Canada has a powerful network of organizations dedicated to raising awareness about these issues. While the list below is by no means exhaustive, it has been created by APF Canada to better inform Canadians and provide gateways to action.

Government of Canada: Addressing Anti-Asian Racism

For too many Asian communities in Canada, anti-Asian racism is a daily lived reality. Now, more than ever, and not just during Asian Heritage Month, we need to raise awareness of the challenges faced by these communities across Canada and to confront and denounce all forms of anti-Asian racism and discrimination.

E D U C A T I N G     &     C O M B A T T I N G     R A C I S M

The Anti-Oppression Network: Allyship

Allyship is not an identity—it is a lifelong process of building relationships based on trust, consistency, and accountability with marginalized individuals and/or groups of people

BC Teacher's Federation Resource List

G O V E R N M E N T     L E V E L

"Day of Action Against Racism" Proclamation

City of Vancouver's "Day of Action Against Racism" Proclamation.

BC Human Rights: Guiding the Way for a More Equitable Province - for Everyone.

BC Human Rights addresses the root causes of inequality, discrimination and injustice in B.C. by shifting laws, policies, practices and cultures.

They do this work through education, research, advocacy, inquiry and monitoring.

ResilienceBC Anti-Racism Network

We see a future free from racism and hate.
The Resilience BC Anti-Racism Network website provides tools to help you do the hard work and make this vision a reality.

Government of Canada: Canada's Racism Strategy

Canada's anti-racism strategy and a list of resources from the Government of Canada.