
Priorities & Projects

VLIP Priorities & Projects

The result of a rigorous strategic planning process supported by local consultants, Vantage Point, is a strategic plan to support and guide the Vancouver Local Immigration Partnership over the next three years.

This process also resulted in a 4 Strategic Priority Areas for VLIP to focus our efforts.

Guided by our Vision and Mission statements and our Core Values, our Strategic Priority Areas reflect areas within the community where VLIP Partners have identified gaps in support for newcomers, immigrants, refugees, international students and temporary foreign workers.

Strategic Priority Working Groups

To address each Strategic Priority Area, we've created 6 Strategic Priority Working Groups.

These groups provide the direction for VLIP's projects and priorities and are composed of representatives from VLIP Council, Members-at-Large and the Immigrant Advisory Table.

Each Strategic Priority Working Group has its own Chair, and its own meeting schedule, as determined by the participants in the group.

Strategic Priority Areas


Cross-sectoral Collaboration with Institutions Serving Newcomer Communities

Priority Addressed: Meaningful Engagement & Collaboration



Digital Hub


Priority Addressed: Knowledge Hub




Community of Practice & Equity Related Work

Priority Addressed: Knowledge Hub



Employment Solutions



Priority Addressed: Influence Change for Racial Equity



Research  & Development & Influence Policy Change

Priority Addressed: Data Collection & Utilization

Membership is required to participate in the VLIP Strategic Priority Working Groups.

If you are interested in joining VLIP, fill out an application here.